Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Villa Muller


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Adolf Loos' residential project Villa Muller can be seen as a rich organism, in some respect, a creature on its own. In order to understand the complexity of its structure, we can deconstruct its components into specific categories just as we would in biology for instance.


The enclosure of Villa Muller can be thought of as a shell protecting the internal from the exterior. This is a dominate aspect of Villa Muller and is evident through its thick mass. The enclosure also has an emphasis upon its interior and to some degree disregards its surrounding context, providing only the minimal vehicular and pedestrian access.


The circulation of Villa Muller is a metaphor for the creatures spine. Illustrated in parti's below, the circulation show similarity to the nervous system of a creature.
Unlike conventional circulation, the use of hybrid Victorian corridors and inter-connected rooms is different. Take for instance, typically, the use of corridors are constructed to facilitate privacy, however Adolf Loos' use of voids contradicts this conventional function. Instead, the architect uses corridors solely for other purposes such as facilitating staircases in defining hierarchy throughout the villa. Another function of the corridor is used to indicate the "design traffic" through its sense of confinement. Often, the corridors are very narrow for instance, this communicates subtlety and subconsciously the quantity of circulation allowed for area.
The use of inter-connected bedrooms for instance also challenges conventional purpose. Instead of arch openings, the use of lockable doors defines a flexible degree of privacy that can be adjusted according to the occupants needs. The hybrid serves as an alternative for access to compensate for each other when a particular system is occupied.

The program is a particular catagory that can be seen as a series of organs attatched to the spine (Circulation). The partitions are primarly divided orderly into levels. Programs in which are inter-related intimately are then inter-connected through split levels. These classifications are then sub-divided to facilitate more specific purposes and privacy.

A particularily important plan, is Plan 4. This is essentially the seperation between the public and the private. The parti illustrates the seperation through the use of different line width. The kitchen, boidoir and library for instance are classified to be private, hence the use of corridor in this area has no openings. This is an example where the architect uses conventional victorian corridors to facilitate privacy.

The Geometry of Villa Muller can be seen evidently projected vertically throughout the plan of the building. There is a diminishing quantity of lines in its geometry as you progress to higher floor levels. This shows a close corrilation to its geometrical structure.

The structure of Villa Muller is particularily evident in the thickness of its load bearing walls. A similarily in its geometric consistency.


Model Building Process

Building Process by Level

Cavity 2mm Balsa Dual walls with 1mm seal

Hidden Cubic reinforcement

Interlocking model components

Clear-cut cross grain edges

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